background: no-repeat left top;

An element does not inherit the background-position of its parent. To make a background image not repeat in HTML specify no-repeat in the background-repeat property or the background shorthand property.

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The CSS background-position property specifies the starting position of a background-image.

. Png center top no repeat urlstaticnbuiimageshelparrowuppng center center no from CS MISC at Stanly Community College. Fixed The background is fixed relative to the viewport browser window. Background-color and background-position are completely optional transparent and top left are the values for those properties if not specified cimmanon Dec 19 12 at 349.

The original image looks like this. Any other excluded values will default to their initial value. 100 5 Keywords eg.

Both examples use the home page class. The value no-repeat ensures that the background-image is not repeated in any direction. Inherit initial or unset can also be used on their lonesome.

CSS里的 no-repeat是针对背景图片来说的当你设置了no-repeat这个属性后你的背景图片将不会被重复再换一种说法你在网站上所看到的背景图片就是你所添加的图片 不会出现平铺或者重复的现象你仍然可以通过其他方式来控制图片的位置比如 复制代码代码如下backgroudtop center no-repeat. No-repeat Does not repeat. A value of 0 means that the left or top edge of the background image is aligned with the corresponding left or top edge of the container or the 0 mark of the image will be on the 0 mark of the container.

Thuộc tính background-repeat kiểm soát cách hình nền sau khi nó được đặt kích thước bởi thuộc tính background-size và vị trí bởi thuộc tính background-position. The image is placed at the elements default left-top position 00. Repeat-y Repeats only on the y-axis vertically down the element.

There is also the two value syntax. The background-position property in CSS allows you to move a background image or gradient around within its container. Repeat-x Repeats only on the x-axis horizontally across the element.

You can get a similar result by setting multiple background images. This value repeats the image only horizontally on the page. This prevents the image from repeating across the full width and height of the element.

A background image can be repeated along the horizontal and vertical axes or not repeated at all. 100px 5px Percentages eg. The percentage offset of the given background images position is relative to the container.

The first defined background image will be on the top and the last defined one will be on the bottom. Horizontal vertical background-repeat. The background-image property points to the URL of the.

It has three different types of values. Measured from the left or top of the background area where 0 pushes the image up against the starting point and 100 pushes the image up against the end point of the full width or height of the background area. The image is repeated across the page in the x-direction.

By default the repeated images are clipped to the size of the element but they can be scaled to fit using round or evenly distributed from end to end using space. You can see the demo here. The no-repeat value stops the image from repeating itself from all directions.

That happens because by default browsers have the CSS property background-repeat set to repeat. Section background-repeat. To stop background images from repeating simply.

Top right The default values are 0 0This places your background image at the top-left of. If no background-position is specified this is the equivalent of a background-position of 0 0 that is the top left of the background image is placed in the top left of the element. Left top Click the property values above to see the result.

The point of the left or top side of the image measured from the left or top of the background area. Url bgjpg 20 0 repeat-y fixed fff. The is only used to separate position and size portions.

The background-position property sets the starting position of a background image. If you use the CSS property background-image to embed an image as a background on your website you might have noticed that your image gets repeated infinitely to fill up the width and height of your web page. If the default value is set a background-position will be placed at the top-left corner of an element.

And if you set the background to be repeated it will be repeated both vertically and horizontally. This property affects how the background image responds to scrolling. The above example uses the background-repeat property to set the image to no-repeat.

The image is only shown once. The background-repeat CSS property sets how background images are repeated. Which makes the single-value syntaxes just shorthand for the two-value.

By default a background-image is placed at the top-left corner of an element and repeated both vertically and horizontally. Giá trị của của thuộc tính này có thể là một trong những từ khóa sau. The 2nd solution provides CSS code which uses 2 images.

Element background-repeat. One to cover the background of the left half and the other to cover the right half. If background-size is excluded is not required.

If its less than half one image width left stretch if its more stretch.

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